Monday, December 27, 2010


最有魔力的两个词是- 对不起,谢谢你


最魔力的化妆品是- 笑容

即使你再怎么不美,笑容是使人一瞬间变漂亮的关键, 特别在陌生人面前,它可使人留下对你最美的第一映像!! cheese ^-^v

Sunday, December 26, 2010


ChiaSing invited me to go her church for a movie on Christmas day, and i went..

the movie is they do 1, and the story is really touch, and it is actually like what chia sing experienced before... the father like to gamble, and lost everthing, then he borrow from the 大耳窿, then he left the house and the family, so the family have to suffer from 大耳窿..

But the movie has a very good ending, the father believe in God before he die bcoz of the family members forgive him and love him, so, mayb power of  love is greater than everything on the earth.. and i hope ChiaSing 's family also will get a great ending, and i think their mother on the heaven also will b happy to see this happen..

lOneLy CHristMas

how long i didnt c him d? emm.. i think is 7 days, no, it is 6th days, last we c each other is after stemi... last sms that i received is... that kiting day- thursday. then, during christmas eve till christmas sunday which is today, i never receive any news from him, mayb that's why he ask me not to go back, bcoz he is really very busy... i do try to mms him and told him merry christmas but he never reply.. so.. atleast, thank God, now where i am still some1 who love me and accompany me... mayb what i think and what i say is very selfish and self center.. but this is what i can say now, only this i can say..

Saturday, December 25, 2010




Friday, December 24, 2010

十二月二十三号, 晴天



我们其实等了很久。有个老师说她先去查查看点名单,再跟我们确认。等了又等,等了又等,终于,未出席名单中没有浩允的号码,这足以证明号允有去参加考试。之后,她拿出一张表格,叫我们填写,再寄去教育局。他们给了详细的instruction, 我们就尽快去办理手续。



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Look into his eye

how to know he loves u?

in everything u observe him
he wll pretend to be nice
n speak softly to u
u see his 眼神, it's different
lok into his eyes
feel him
u can know is he true to u

wah, 深奥

n he will treat u nicely
like example
if he knows u like 100 plus
he will buy for u
n, if u tell him u r hungry, he will ask u wat do u wanna eat
if u say anythg, he will think wat u will like
u know
he will treat u differently
so nice
enjoy ur romantic dating with him

he knows i love to eat and eat a lot,
so everytime when we go for lunch, he will order some extra nice food, then we share^^

he will come n find u?

no, 2 times only
i go and look for him for lunch 1

he drive to ur place n find u?


did he send u home in the night?


i meant only both of u alone?

yes,bcoz we went to 唐崇荣

during separation, did he say anythg?


bye? sleep earlier?

normaly, i like to pray together infront of my house^^
we will pray together before separate

hold hands?

em.. no

but the love is within

something is there


Sexy Red

i ask, do u like brown?
he answered, no~
then why u always wear brown shirt? i thought u like brown..
no, bcoz people bought for me so i wear, i never choose wat to wear...
who bought for u?
my auntie..
oh~ so what colour u like?
Red!!  i like red clothes.
why u like red?
bcoz it is 'sexy'
dun laugh at me, the latest magazine also publish that, if man wear in red, is very sexy!!
wahahahaha... can't stop laughing, wahahahaha...
i think if man wear in white is very nice~
i think white pant is more nice..
is it? but very dangerous..
bcoz... very transparent..
no la..
so, wat colour u think is nice for a woman?
defenatly  not pink!!
i dun like pink, it is so geri...
so wat colour u like?
i was wear in red that time... so u think red also is sexy for a woman?
ok.. so any other colour else?
purple, light purple
huh? no 1 is wearing like that oh!! very seldom got sell this colour clothes 1 oh..
so that, it is sepecial..
why dun u ask me wat colour i like?
wat colour u like?
yellow, bcoz, it looks like a smiley face
ya, but no 1 is wearing yellow shirt woh.. yellow t shirt is still ok la
ya, i mean t shirt, yellow shirt doesnt look nice, but my teacher who work in digi do wear yellow shirt, hihi..
it is nice to work in digi


我,做了这么一个决定,追随幸福。他,在我十天的假期中间,约我倒数圣诞。我,其实很烦,该怎么办?我一直没有正面回应,直到他当面问我。。我决定了,即使是要浪费前面或后面的假期, 不能完全待在家里,我也要追随幸福。


Thursday, December 9, 2010



emm.. 我已不记得跟她说了些什么,转头就睡, 六点半醒来,外婆正在煲汤,说是要给我补身子的,要我吃了饭才出门。 大家手忙脚乱了一番, 七点,得要出门了,这次吻别了阿嫲,又不晓得何时才能再见。。


到了吉隆坡,精神非常不好,在地铁里再睡,醒醒睡睡,睡睡醒醒。。到站了。当我站起来时,地铁也正在刹车,背着大包小包,又睡不够的我,突然失去重心,当即将要跌倒的时候,坐在对面的Uncle一把,扶着我,我才因此站稳了脚。当场我觉得狼狈不堪, 说了抱歉,就逃离现场。可是后来想想,其实这是上帝的恩典,安排了这个Uncle坐在我前面,要不是他出手相助,我可是要落地开花啦!




welcome ^^

nice to meet u, my frend, blogger ^-^