Thursday, April 14, 2011

From my dear Philip

When i feel lonely, and notice there is quite a long time i never receive any sms and phone call, that a sudden, i received an angel's sms as below..

"My dear sister, i said a prayer for you today, i know God must have heard---
For he knows my heart, and how much i cherish you in the Lord. I asked that He'd be near to you each morning at the start of each new day. To grant you strength and wisdom to overcome daily troubles and stress and more so forgiveness in times when you fell and lost your way. I asked that you will have joy by being thankful to Him for all things great and small.. But it was for His loving care over your heart that i prayed for most of all. in Jesus's name i prayed. Amen..
Just so you know, this is not a forwarded message, It really is a prayer for you. 11.30pm, 13 April. How is your week so far?"
Philip Ling 13 Apr 2011, wed 11.43pm

i answed..
"Thank u my loving bro, sometimes, there is something should tell face to face. I appreciate u for ur prayer and ur care, i am fine, really, but i am just a little lonely..
Anyway, will find out the source to settle my prob 1, no worry. Thank u bro, sincerely. U touch my heart, my little angel."
Me 13 apr 2011, wed 11.52pm

"Good... good... I know you will. See you in a few weeks"
Philip Ling 14 apr 2011, 12.10am

"A thought for the day.
May we be a person of prayer . We can work and pray, we can be active and pray but we can not be busy and pray . In busyness we often neglect prayer as insignificant and less of a priority. But our Lord frequently use images of the single, the small, the quiet like the salt, the leaven, the seed to show they have great effects.
Let us then not forget our power in prayer in a culture that is big, noisy and busy..."
Philip Ling 14 apr 2011, 8.43am

Lord, i give thanks because u are lovely and caring. You looked into my heart, You knows me more than what i realize.. When i feel lonely, i look at the phone, i got nobody to call, there is no one can talk to, but u send an angel to me, and let me knows there is still some one keep me in his prayer, that is such a blessing for me,Lord, thank You for the things You had done for me, keep me in your arms always, although sometimes i will be naughty, but Lord, forgive me as i know it might hurt Your heart, but teach me, how to become a nice person, a good nurse, a christian, so that You will be glorified  by the men who don't know You. in Jesus 'name i prayed, amen.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

28/3/11, sunny day and shopping day


之前,心情一直很down,突然收到恩瀚老师的信息,问我会不会去聚会。。我回应他说“不”, 但心里面还是很温暖,因为至少有人关心我,再加上嘉心的长途电话,让我心情好很多。。

那天晚上,星期六的半夜,突然心血来潮,在 facebook chat with 思涵,才发现,原来她离开上帝好久好久了,打了通电话给她,关心她,和她一起祷告,她似乎就被圣灵感动了,过了一天,她终于决定浪子回头,我想,天上的天使也会为她而在欢呼快乐吧!!





夜长梦多,或许说得没错,又再一次梦见他,不止他,还有家义。。 最近是睡得太多了吧,还以为吃药睡觉就可以睡得安稳些,可是,梦,这东西还真的没法控制。。